Saturday, May 29, 2010

The beginning is always the hardest.

Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes, getting back into rugby training is much harder than I expected. I mean, I definitely knew that it would be tough to get back into the swing of things, but I was pretty shocked with myself today when I finally ignored the doctor's orders and went back on the treadmill. I ran a little under 2.5 miles in 24 minutes which is HORRID and not counting the number of times I needed to pause (a smidge in my defense, my hair is long and out of control so sometimes I needed to stop and fix it even if I didn't want to). It's been 4 weeks ever since I've gone running, but I have been working out almost every day either on a bike or elliptical. I've even trained myself to do one handed planks and I'm trying to do one handed push ups. What I've found out though is that just like rugby experience, there is absolutely no replacement for running. I thought that maybe I could at least put a dent in the debt I was accumulating in my fitness, but phewww wow, the damage has been done. I guess that I couldn't expect to run my 7 minute mile after not running for 4 weeks, and I guess a 9 minute mile is not too bad of a place to start. That's the only way I can view this situation; I can't really cry over spilled milk. All I can do is get back on that treadmill and keep running and pushing myself until I'm back to where I was before. Hopefully that won't take too much time so I can focus on progressing more. I can't just sit here and mope about how bad I am now because it's so unproductive. Thank God I decided to start running today and didn't wait until 2 and a half weeks later when I'm scheduled to get my cast off. At this point, every-day-counts. I need to remember that. I shouldn't take a single day off now, and I should watch what I eat. Every little thing that I do makes a difference.

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