Thursday, August 27, 2015

Pat's WOD

"There's only one rule today: no complaining."

On that Saturday when I showed up to crossfit, up until that moment complaining was all I had been doing the entire morning [hahaha]: "UGH, I don't wanna go today...I'm really tired....I'm still sore from Friday's WOD....I don't even know how to do handstand walk, not even I even have any clean clothes to wear to crossfit?....I NEVER get to sleep in...."

But when one of my crossfit coaches said that to all of us in the Saturday morning workout group, I immediately perked up...because I knew that although I hadn't said anything out loud, I was bitchin' the loudest on the inside. He then explained himself. There was NO complaining allowed because this workout had a very special meaning behind it. The WOD was created by an inspiring crossfit figure named Pat Padgett. I vaguely remembered him being mentioned for a fundraiser last year. However, at the time where I needed it the most, his story really came in the clutch for me.

Pat is a charismatic guy, friends with the whole wide world, who has done crossfit in Southie and all over the area. I've never even met him, but just from the way that my crossfit coach adamantly described him, this person is genuinely special. He's the type of guy that is instantly your friend, no matter who you are or where you came from. He immediately makes you feel welcome and at home, probably has you cracking a smile or a laugh within seconds of talking with him.

....and then it's amazing people like this that make you wonder why on Earth such a terrible, terrible thing could ever happen to them. Where's the karmic reward? Why do bad things happen to good people who are so loved and appreciated by everyone around them? WHY?! There's just no explaining it. It's something that happens every day. Bad things happen to good people.

But from many of the inspirational stories I've heard of these people, including Pat, they rise to the occasion instead of falling into the darkness. Although they may be experiencing hell, their hope and their drive to just live life to the fullest never fails. You can even hear it in Pat's blog post from about a month ago!
I don't think I can ever imagine how crushing it feels to believe you're so close to the finish line, so close to then find out that the cancer has returned and it's not going anywhere. The ability to STILL hold your head high after that and want to live your life doing everything that makes you and your loved ones happy is nothing short of a gift. the next time you don't feel like getting out of bed or feel "too tired" to go to rugby practice/conditioning.....

Take a step back. Remember that you're LUCKY that you have the capability and privilege to play this sport and do something that not only makes you happy but also makes you feel good [most of the time........]. There will come a day where you wish you could rewind to the time you didn't feel like going to practice and SLAP YOURSELF SILLY to make you go. I can't imagine not playing rugby in my life, but I know that at SOME point there will come a time where I will have to retire from my rugby career. I hope that time is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY far away, but I know in the end it's eventually going to happen. And it'll happen for everyone! So for now, give it your 110% and love every millisecond of it.