Saturday, February 20, 2010

Winterfest 2010

What a WONDERFUL day of rugby! 
Winterfest is a traditional sevens tournament that's outside in the snow, so basically it's rugby in snow pants and mittens. It's not really that formal, I's as formal as you can be when running around in freezing snow and slipping all over in winter boots. But it's always soo much fun. Even though when standing around I LITERALLY felt like my feet were going to fall off and my brain felt so numb I couldn't even think, once I stepped on that rugby field the immediate warmth and extreme rush of the game always filled my body.
I think that's a reason why I never wanted to sub out during the games ha ha, I played 4 entire games! It's usually pretty common for everyone to get to a point where they just feel too cold to play anymore, and a few times I may have thought that for a moment myself, but I've always had the mentality to play rugby at ANY chance I can get and until I literally cannot play anymore. I think today I would've played until one of my body parts snapped off from being frozen. I'm sad that now I have to wait until SPRING before I get to really play again. I also ended the day with a ginormous bruise on my knee, bruises on my arms and even my finger (hurts to type...awesome), and I got kicked in the face (if I wasn't wearing a mouth guard I'd be missing a third of my teeth) and it made my face bleed and it was awesome but now I kind of look like a vampire. I'd say today was a successful rugby day.
It was like Winterfest dangled a little glimpse of rugby in front of my face and then pulled away! But, at least this little taste of rugby will hopefully give me more motivation and incentive to work harder during these winter months so I can come out completely ready for the spring. Today I felt a little slower than normal, and although my tackles were somewhat okay I don't think they really had that BAM sort of part to them that I always like to include. I mean, these things could be attributed to the cold and because we were playing in tons of snow, but I have never ever liked to blame bad playing with the lame excuse of weather. 
Next Saturday there is a clinic nearby that I REALLY want to go to. I am SO glad that it's next weekend because I'm still on the high from playing today. Although they apparently pick all stars from it, I don't expect to be picked at all bahahaha. There are SO many awesome players from all over around here who are probably better than me, but that's what makes me want to go even more. I'll get to play with people who are the best of the best! It's going to be such an awesome experience. 

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